Anubhav Sinha’s latest directorial IC 814 The Kandahar Hijack is currently trending high on social media for all the wrong reasons. The six-episode series made headlines for ‘distorting’ facts and changing the names of two out of five hijackers with names of Hindu God. Ever since IC 814 The Kandahar Hijack premiered on Netflix, a large section of social media users have been demanding a ban on the series. On Tuesday, Netflix officially announced that the opening disclaimer of the series has been updated and will include the real and code names of the hijackers.
An event was held in Mumbai on September 3 wherein the whole cast and the director were present to address the media persons. However, Anubhav Sinha had a not-so-good interaction with one of the journalists who asked the director a question on the ongoing controversy.
A video from the press meet is doing rounds on social media where a reporter asked him about the alleged distortion of facts in the web show, following which the director lost his cool. The host of the event also tried to interject between the two. Anubhav angrily kept on asking the reporter, “Aapne series dekha hain?” He ended his reaction by saying that he could not talk to him because he hadn’t watched the series.
Watch the viral video here:
About the series
Directed by Anubhav Sinha and featuring a stellar cast of Vijay Varma, Patralekhaa, Pankaj Kapur, Naseeruddin Shah, Arvind Swamy, and Dia Mirza, the series chronicles the true story of the December 1999 hijack of Indian Airlines Airbus A300. It is inspired by real events including an adaptation of the book titled ‘Flight Into Fear’ written by Captain Devi Sharan and Srinjoy Chowdhury.
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