A girl’s obsession with selfies proved to be fatal in Satara, Maharashtra after she fell into a gorge on Saturday. While taking a selfie, the girl slipped into a gorge at Borne Ghat near Unghar Road, Satara. With the help of the villagers, the girl was rescued.
However, after this accident, the girl got very scared and got injured. Subsequently, she was admitted to a hospital for the treatment.
A video surfaced on social media in which the girl is seen crying in pain while a man is rescuing her from the deep gorge.
To enjoy the rainy weather, the girl had come to the Borne Ghat with her friend. Here, while taking a selfie, her leg slipped and she fell. The girl, who fell into the 100-foot-deep ghat was rescued with a rope. With the help of locals, the police somehow pulled the injured girl out of the gorge.
According to the witnesses, a person went down through a rope and pulled out the girl stranded in the bushes of the ghat. Later, she was admitted to a nearby private hospital as she suffered severe injuries.
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